Monday, February 14, 2011

Free wireless Internet for Tenerife apartment studio rental Spain

Free wireless Internet seems to be unavoidable for the Tenerife apartment rental by Puerto de la Cruz Spain.

Many approached me through my website Tenerife holiday home insider and showed great interest in renting. But they were all gurus who need Internet professionally.

Just now an SBI! coach called Alex of my web host wants to rent it for a while. Needless, to say that having her in my neighbourhood would be absolutely fantastic. However, she makes money from home coaching web site building to make a living from it.

How can she help you by e-mails, skype or online seminars, if no Internet connection is available with her Tenerife accommodation?

Believe me, it is a head ache.

I want her as a renter.

But on principal, I wouldn't go for a landline with the normal Internet service as buying a new landline is rather costly. It's also a risk lending a regular phone line to unknown renters later.

Yet, there are a few more options free wireless Internet, as long as I pay for the connection, you know.

Sure, wifi hospots are all over Tenerife but who wants to go to public places because of free Internet?
The latter is not ideal when you need your own private space. Privacy is vital for making money from home.

I wouldn't mind to give free Internet service by way of free Wifi to the Sitesell coach Alex, who is absolutely bound to become a friend.

However, there still remains the problem of setting up online connection. My Argentinian IT technician and I are having some idea for providing a wireless Internet.

Just now learn how I could provide high speed Internet to a difficult location in my next blog...

In fact, even locations which are dubbed C spots by the main Spanish Telephone server or its mobil phone section may be connected. Wifi deviation plus the use of some more wireless Internet gadgets is the trick which may work.

Go from free wireless Internet to free Internet service Tenerife Spain, which has more detailed information for getting connected.


  1. Nice! It would be great to stay there when taking luxury holidays in Tenerife.

  2. I really need to start Working In Tenerife.This post is really helpful for me....

  3. thanks if you want more option to convert your apartment in wi fi
    than visit
    wifi apartamentos

    1. Thanks for the tip, jaspreet. Sorry I had forgotten all about this blog.


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